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Admission Open for 2025-26 from Nursery to IX & XI | Apply Now

Course and curriculum

Best Schools In Jaipur

Gyan Vihar School is a Community of Change Makers.

Gyan Vihar is the culmination of Late Shri Suresh Sharma’s beliefs, conviction and philosophy that good education moulds a human being into a virtuous and well-rounded individual on whose shoulders lies the onus of a creating a civil and just world. Imperative to nation building, education must first and foremost build character.

With these views, the journey that began in the late 30s came to fruition in the year 1994 in the form of Gyan Vihar School, a revolutionary place of study which lives by the motto of “Kids fly free”.

Today in its 25th year Gyan Vihar is still striving to cause disruptions and stir mini-revolutions in the education space so that kids reach their optimum potential while also ensuring that the joy in learning doesn’t disappear.
Gyan Vihar is a conscientious organisation which was conceived with the objective of imparting wholesome education and instilling critical thinking in young minds. We have tried to combine the age-old Indian ethos and wisdom with a modern mindset to present a pedagogical model that looks after all the needs of a young human mind while enriching the soul.

Keeping up with technological advancement and exploring the less travelled avenues have always driven Gyan Vihar in curating a unique scheme of education that caters to boys and girls between the age group of 3 to 18 years. The school is an English Medium, Co-Educational Senior Secondary School affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.

Scheme of studies, Evaluation & Promotion Rule

Scholastic Area: Class IX & X

No Semester System: Annual examination will take place at the end of the session covering the complete syllabus for classes.

  •  Students will be graded in 8 point grading scale as followed by the board.
  •  Annual examination will be conducted of 80 marks and internal assessment 20 marks.
  •  Student has to secure 33% marks out of 80 marks in each subject.
  •  Internal assessment comprises of Periodic tests (10 marks), notebook maintenance (5 marks) and subject enrichment activity (5 marks) student need to secure 33 %. Out of overall 20 marks earmarked in each subject.


Periodic Test I
April to July
30% of annual syllabus
July End
Periodic Test II
Aug to Oct
30% of Quarterly + complete syllabus covered after quarterly
Oct End
Periodic Test III
10% of quarterly + 30% of half yearly + complete syllabus covered after half yearly
Jan-1st week
Annual Examination
Annual + PT1 + PT2 + PT3 (Full Course)
Feb End -March 1st week

Internal Assessments

Gyan Vihar offers a wide range of academic courses to suit every student’s tenacity and ambitions. The following documents can help you choose the right courses.

  • Periodic tests will be conducted thrice a year including the portion cumulatively.
  • I & III Periodic tests will be conducted out of 50 marks and II Periodic tests will be conducted out of 80 marks. Average of the best two out of 10 will be added in the internal assessment.
  • Internal assessments will be completed as follows: Add table here
  • Subject Enrichment Activities: will comprise of techniques like (5 Marks) ASL/Reading/Dictation/Debate/Public Speaking etc. for languages, Lab activities/Projects/Map work/Model making/Field Trips etc. Which need to be conducted thrice a year.
  • Notebook Maintenance can be assessed before the end of each term based on the following parameters. (5 marks)
  • Regularity
  • Assignment Completion
  • Neatness and Upkeep of notebook
  • The assessment of 6th vocational subject (class 6th to 10th only) will be assessed as follows Theory Examination of 50 marks and practical examination of 50 marks.

Scholastic for class III to VIII

Gyan Vihar offers a wide range of academic courses to suit every student’s tenacity and ambitions. The following documents can help you choose the right courses.

  •  Scholastic Area: The assessment structure and Examination for classes III to VIII comprises of two terms i.e. Term-1 and Term-2 as per given structure.
Subject TERM-1 (100 Marks)
(1st half of the session) 20 Marks Periodic Assessment + 80 Marks for Half Yearly Exam
PA 20 marks
Half Yearly Exam
● Language -2

● Language -3

● Periodic Test
Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered
till announcement of the Half Yearly exam dates by school
● Mathematics
● 10 Marks with syllabus covered till announcement of test dates
by school
● Science
● Notebook submission 5 marks at term end
● Social Science
● Subject Enrichement 5 marks at term end
● Any other subjects.
Subject TERM-2 (100 Marks)
(2nd half of the session) 20 Marks Periodic Assessment + 80 Marks for Half Yearly Exam
PA 20 marks
Yearly Exam
● Language -2

● Periodic Test
Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered as below :
● Language -3
● 10 Marks with syllabus covered till announcement of test dates
by school
● Class VI: 10% of 1st trem covering significant topics + entire
syllabus of 2nd term
● Mathematics
● Notebook submission 5 marks at term end
● Class VII: 20% of 1st trem covering significant topics +
entire syllabus of 2nd term
● Science
● Notebook submission 5 marks at term end
● Class VIII: 30% of 1st trem covering significant topics +
entire syllabus of 2nd term
● Social Science
● Any other subjects.
  • Subject Enrichment Activities: There will subject specific activities aimed at enhancing the understanding and skills of the students. Their activities are to be carried cut throughout the term they will be evaluated at the term-end.

Promotional Rules:

A student will be promoted to the next higher class if he/she fulfils the following criteria:

  • Attendance: A minimum of 75% attendance during the academic session is mandatory. Attendance will be counted from the beginning of the session.
  • For std, I to VIII, Students who obtained grade’E’ and above in all the subjects separately in aggregate will be promoted to the next higher class.
  • For Std IX &X. Students who are not able to get grade ‘D’or above in aggregate in any one or more subject shall not be permitted admission in the next higher class.
Grading Scale for
Scholastic Areas (Class III-VIII)
Grading Scale for
Scholastic Areas (Class IX)

Mark Range


Mark Range


32 & below
E (needs improvement)
32 & below
E (Failed)

Our Departments


Developing a competitive and curious academic environment that helps nurture every student for latest curriculum developments in literature and theory.


Our progressive teaching methods ensure that our students have an excellent academic record.


Our specially designed programs and activities enables the latest tips and tricks in Mathematics aimed to develop an intuitive understanding of students.


We make our students future ready with new technologies like computers, elementary coding and invest in learning tools like Smart Classes, LMS and robotics .

Social Science

We encourage students to think creatively and give them a chance to observe and thing practical situations through dramatics and theatrics